Thursday, August 15


Hello my lovely readers!

I've been gone for a MINUTE!

Let's just get into it....

My last post was right before my baby shower in February and a few months before I gave birth. On April 13th, I gave birth to my beautiful, bouncing baby girl Charlotte. It was a relatively easy birth, except for the fact that she and I both had fevers at birth and she had low blood sugar so we had to stay a few extra days in the hospital.

It's been a whirlwind transitioning into mommy life, but I love it. I do miss my solitude, but the fact that I have a daughter makes up for it (when she's not pooping on me lol)

I had this idea in my head that I'd devour books in my library while on maternity leave, but that was wishful thinking. I finished....maybe two or three books while on leave and they were books that I'd been reading ALL YEAR. It's embarrassing, but that's the life of a first-time mom, right?

I'm three books behind on my reading goal for the year. My goal was to read 15 books and I still think I'll meet that goal. I just have to prioritize reading when I'm "nap-trapped" by Charlotte since I still can't put her down in her crib yet (she only falls asleep if she's on someone, except at bedtime).

I've been back at work for two weeks now so I'm getting back into a routine. I'm sleep deprived, pumping milk and my brain is pretty much mush, but I'm here! I'm hoping to get back into my hobbies like reading, scrapbook and working out, but I have low expectations. I feel like my concentration levels have plummeted since giving birth, so I'm going to give myself grace.

Work is the only place where I'm alone, so I'll be more consistent in getting my reviews out. I'm currently reading the first volume of The Life of Langston Hughes by Arnold Rampersad. It's a wonderful book, but I've been slogging through it obviously. 

Next up: the second volume of The Life of Langston Hughes, Reconstruction by Eric Forner, The Race Beat by Gene Roberts.

I'm also starting The Party by Robyn Harding to give myself some diversion, however I think that'll be an "at work" read. I have to make sure to give myself a light read, because I usually read biographies and history books.

In the next few days, I'll get reviews out for Testimony by Anita Shreve, The Raptures by Jan Carson, My Friend Anne Frank by Hannah Pick Goslar and The Rose Petal Beach by Dorothy Koomson (re-read).

Ever since I joined Bookstagram, I usually take part in the reading challenge "10 Books, 10 Decades" and I said my goal this year was to re-read more books, but I don't know if I'll accomplish either of them! All I know is that it feels good to return to blogging. Here's to  a strong finish for the rest of the year!

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