Monday, June 19

Cherish Farrah by Beverly Morrow

Hello my lovely readers!

Oh, I had such high hopes for this book given the summary. Yet again, I was let down. Let's get into it.

Seventeen-year-old Farrah Turner is one of two Black girls in her country club community. Farrah and Cherish Whitman are best friends and would do anything for each other. Farrah is raised by Black parents and Cherish was adopted by a wealthy, white family.

Cherish's family take Farrah in when her family is unexpectedly confronted with foreclosure. The longer she stays, the more he own parents suggest that something is wrong in the Whitman house. But soon, debilitating illnesses, fever dreams and a slew of other mysterious things begin to happen to Farrah. And it's anyone's guess who's really in control in the Whitman house.

Oh my goodness this book was not it!

Yet another case of the Get Out curse. This book was touted as Get Out meets....whatever it was supposed to meet. Anytime this is on the blurb, I will now stay away from the book because these books NEVER live up to to the hype.

This book was just ridiculous and confusing and Morrow kept trying to make Farrah this manipulative, conniving smart teenager when she was nothing but a brat who didn't know anything. There was nothing going on the entire book. I kept waiting and waiting for something to happen but it never did.

I ended up DNFing this novel about 80%  in because I just couldn't take it anymore. Where was this book going? What is it actually about? I ended up looking at the spoilers of this book and come to find out, the author spoils it herself about a quarter of the way in! What!?

Save yourself and just read The Whipping Boy instead. 

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